a witch is commonly understood as someone who practices witchcraft, a form of magic or folk religion that involves the use of rituals, spells, charms, and other techniques to influence the physical world or connect with spiritual realms.

an artist is someone who creates work that expresses ideas, emotions, or concepts through various mediums, often exploring and interpreting the world around them, translating their perceptions, thoughts, and experiences into tangible or performative forms that engage others.

[[all art is a form of magic.]]

I am an artist that works across a wide range of mediums, each one containing a particular language used to communicate ideas, feelings, or desires. my art practice is self-taught and built upon exploration—the development of an intuitive tactile relationship with the tools and materials at hand.

my personal work focuses on the creation of art as an intrinsic part of a spiritual journey, a practice in multidimensional storytelling, and as documentation of a personal history.

commissions I accept gravitate towards moments of vulnerability—homages to loved ones, connections to deeper or hidden parts of the self, or strong dreams begging to be manifest—as I strive to act as a conduit for the people I work with.